HIDE - Jesus Our Messiah

Kids In Ministry International

Kids ages 6 – 12 will see the "big picture" of the Old Testament Stories and learn about our Judaic roots. Understanding our roots to Israel and the Jewish people is a critical foundational teaching for our Christian children.


Number Title
Introduction Introduction to Jesus Our Messiah
1 The BIG Picture
2 “Jesus: Born Under the Law”
3 “Jesus: Son of Promise”
4 “God Chooses Abraham”
5 “Father Abraham Had Many Sons”
6 “To the Jews First”
7 Jesus: Messiah for All
8 “Grafting in the Gentiles”
9 “Building the Church”
10 “One New Man”
11 “Stars & Scars”
12 “Greatly Despised”
13 “The Story of Ishmael”
14 “The Historic Feasts”
15 “The Prophetic Feasts”
16 “The Journey Home”